
Monday, May 29, 2017

This Is Not the End, But It Is the Road
Reading the Letter, Thomas Bennington Kensington, 1884
This encouragement came through the mail yesterday, but was just opened today, on such a morning as I needed it most. Part of a bulk mailing, but a balm to my spirit as I've felt my shortcomings weighing heavily the past couple of days. I share it in hopes that perhaps it will be a balm to your own spirit as well. Keep looking heavenward and homeward, dear one.
This life, therefore, is not righteousness but growth in righteousness, not health but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be but we are growing toward it. The process is not yet finished but it is going on. This is not the end but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory but all is being purified. ~ Martin Luther

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Weekend Daybook

Outside My Window...
From our house we can turn left and head into the city; turn right and head into the country. This scene is about a mile down the road. I do enjoy the views here. The mountains remind me of our former home state, West Virginia. It's especially beautiful there in the spring as green grows greener and flowers burst forth in color. Different from here in the south where seasons seem just to flow into one another.

Noticing the sound of...
Music for Concentration on Spotify. Listening to someone's playlist. Soothing.

From the Sewing Room...
My latest little dress

I hope to...
Finish a simple dress today for a mission endeavor.

That needle turn applique just isn't in me to learn how to do. I've been practicing on quilt blocks for Anna, but decided to do a different technique with the latest block. Much easier for me. Just a couple more leaves and flower centers and I'll be finished with this one.

Our hope is in God, not a national leader. Too many have their hopes and their fears misplaced and are living a stressful life.

In the Kitchen...
Made a new-to-me recipe this week. Navy bean and ham soup. Sharing the recipe.

Saute 1 cup sliced carrots, 2 stalks sliced celery, 1/2 cup diced onions. Add 1 clove minced garlic and 1 cup or so of diced ham, continuing to cook another minute or so. Add 3 cups chicken broth, 1 bay leaf, and 2 cans of rinsed and drained navy beans. Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for about 1.5 hours or so. Remove bay leaf and blend soup in a blender. Return soup to pan and add 2 more cans of rinsed and drained navy beans. Simmer a little longer until heated through.

Around the house...
Hung the flag outside for Memorial Day.
That politics seem rather crazy these days. I say "seem" because I believe that God is at work in our nation as a result of His love and grace and the prayers of His people. He may not be working as we would do it, but He is at work nevertheless, even if it scares us out of our wits.

That the current administration is not promoting immorality and antagonism toward Christians as our past administration and wanna-be's have done.

Brought a smile...
Overheard a little girl and her grandfather as I was grocery shopping this week. Such sweet talk between them. I commented to the grandpa that he is truly blessed. He responded that she is the best thing that ever happened to him. Truly blessed.

Finished slowly reading and pondering Paul David Tripp's book, Awe: Why It Matters For Everything We Think, Say, and Do. It has opened my eyes a bit further into my own heart. Some of the glimpses have not been pretty, but it takes seeing ourselves to motivate change. I've posted a couple of brief excerpts here. You can also read the first chapter by clicking on the book's image.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Recommending ~ The Master Designer: The Song

This documentary is sure to affirm and increase your faith in the Master Creator. Our world is filled with beauty, order and design, and the animals themselves give evidence that it couldn't have happened by random chance. They all show purpose in design, not happenstance.

We often preview videos on Amazon or Netflix that we think might be worthwhile for our grandchildren to watch when they come to visit for a week or so. This is definitely a keeper, one for the entire family. It's light-hearted, yet enlightening and filled with fascinating facts. If you click on the image, you can watch the trailer.

There are also interesting stories throughout the documentary of how some of the highlighted animals helped to change the course of American history. Bees thwarted a British attack in the American Revolution. Camels were brought the to U.S. during the Spanish-American War to cross the American desert.

Oh, yes, "The Song".... we wondered about that throughout the video. It's saved until the last. Beautiful music to the Master Designer's ear.

Image ~ The Master Designer, Exploration Films

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thankful Thursday ~ My Beloved's Kindness

Thankful today for My Beloved's kindness and care for my parents and sister. It was his decision to move here so we could be of help to them. I am the eyes and ears; he is often the hands. He put up additional shelves in my sister's closet today, which she was very glad about. Last week he helped my dad cut a couple of branches from a maple tree that Dad was concerned about being too close to their house. But we must also be attentive to what they feel they can tend to themselves. Later in the day when I brought my mother and sister home from shopping, my 90-year-old dad had been on a ladder sawing off more branches from that tree! Oh, me!!

O Lord that lends me life,
Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness!

~ William Shakespeare

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Rescue Your Children
Do you know what or who your children worship? They probably don't. Do you know what or who rules their hearts? My guess is, they don't. Do you know why they do what they do? They don't know this either. But do you?

We are given glimpses all the day long of what rules our children's hearts. Do you see it? Do you hear it? We are given opportunities from sun-up to sun-down to help them see themselves. To help them understand why they do what they do. To affirm them or to help them know how to change. Heart change. We have myriad of opportunities to encourage them or to rescue them from themselves.

Do you see your parent-role as an encourager? A rescuer? Or are those opportunities ones of irritation, annoyance, aggravation? Anger? Do you know why you react the way you do? Do you know who or what rules your own heart?

Most of us worship ourselves. Worship? Yes. Who do we want to please most of all? Who is at the center of our lives? What do we put the most effort into and why? If we respond in irritation, it's because we don't want to be bothered by whatever is going on. We respond in anger because we've dealt with this or that over and over again, and they keep at it. They keep at it because there hasn't been a heart change. And we respond in like kind... because there hasn't been a heart change in us either.

We can make a rules list for our home. Say please and thank you. Use indoor voices. Don't hang "Do Not Enter" signs on your bedroom door. Don't stare at your sister. No arguing. I said to my girls one day when they were growing up, "If you can't get along with each other, then just separate and go to your rooms!" All of a sudden, I actually heard what I had said. I was setting the stage for separation and divorce! I was not teaching them how to deal with disagreements. I was not reaching their hearts the way they needed me to do. I was simply laying down the law because I was aggravated that they were arguing. I'm so thankful that the Holy Spirit opened my ears to hear that day.

Rules don't make for heart change. Rules might keep things quieter when they know I'm listening. But that won't carry them into an honorable, satisfying marriage relationship. Helping them to understand that they're arguing because each of them wants what each of them wants, not what's in the best interest of the other person, is what will help them change. That's reaching into the heart.

That's the rescuing role of a parent. It takes time, though. And it takes their own willingness to take ownership of what's going on inside themselves. We cannot force the change, but we can offer the rescue. Offer the rescue, time and time again. Encourage and affirm, time and time again. What a wonderful privilege to work alongside the Holy Spirit as God calls our children to Himself! Implore Him for wisdom.... and patience.

Painting ~ Hush A Bye, George Goodwin Kilburne 1839-1924

Monday, May 22, 2017

My Childhood Hometown
For the past few days, I've been looking in on a public Facebook page devoted to those who grew up in my childhood hometown. It's brought back a lot of memories, seeing pictures of people and places I knew as a child. Elementary school friends and teachers, Jacob's store across from the school where we could buy a handful of candy for 10 cents, the public swimming pool near our bright yellow house at the end of 4th Avenue, page after page of memories and comments. It was a town then of about 3500, sort of Mayberry-like. We had everything we needed, but if we wanted the bigger department stores, they were a mere half hour or so away. When we went shopping, my hometown was 'uptown', the department stores were 'downtown'. We always stopped for hotdogs on our way home from downtown 10 for $1.00.

Most people who commented were nostalgic and longing for those simpler days when people trusted one another. Days when people didn't feel so entitled as they do today. When we had more freedom to simply live life without people taking offense as easily as they do these days and making others bear the consequences. When people in general were much less coarse than they are today, and the cultural atmosphere itself was not saturated in immorality. The people weren't perfect, and the town wasn't perfect, but living in freedom was a lot easier back then.

One of the postings asked for people to share a secret from their childhood. A commenter cautioned others that in doing so, one person's revealed secret may reflect on another person as well. I'm not a Facebook user, but from what I know of it, it does have the potential to cause havoc. Commendably, commenters heeded the caution.

That comment and others that brought back many of my own memories (some I'd just as soon have left forgotten) reminded me that nothing we ever do is hidden from God. He knows all the good and the bad we've done. Yet because of His grace and through His son Jesus, He calls us away from our past into new life. He forgives as we ask and turn toward rightful living. He is also a rewarder of those who seek Him, and the good we've done for His glory is treasure laid up in heaven. I do hope to see you there with your own treasure. Treasure to worship Him throughout eternity.

Times were, indeed, different back in my childhood hometown, but I wouldn't have wanted to stay there. I've enjoyed my life with My Beloved, whom I met at church when we moved a few miles down the road to his hometown during my high school years. I became friends with his sister, and he became friends with my brother. We began to notice each other more when I began college (in my nearby childhood hometown), and one day he came to see me instead of my brother. Soon we were each other's best friend forever. Back to my childhood hometown? Not me. But the simpler, less coarse days? Definitely!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

When Our Hearts Are Captured
Clipart Panda
It was so good to be back in worship service today and to have conversation with fellow believers after being away for so long with the flu. So thankful for the church family God has brought us to here. Being reminded of a reason my church is so important. Sharing that thought with you today.
Yet if your heart is being progressively captured by the awe of God, his work, his grace, and his kingdom ("things that are above"), you will see your church not just as a place you attend but as a major commitment of your life, and you will live with a ministry lifestyle in the place where God has put you. When awe of God has captured your heart, ministry will fill your schedule. You won't need the church to schedule ministry for you; you will approach work, marriage, parenting, extended family, friendships, and community with a ministry mentality.
~ Paul David Tripp, Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do

Monday, May 15, 2017

Maybe You're Doing More Than You Realize friend recently gave me the book A Life God Rewards: Why Everything You Do Today Matters Forever by Bruce Wilkinson. It has truly given me more understanding of rewards when I will one day enter into eternal life with Jesus. It has enhanced my desire to serve Him more while I am still on earth, as I lay up more treasure in Heaven. And it has given me a broader perspective on why I do whatever I do today and tomorrow.

So thankful for friends who nudge me Homeward.

Sharing a brief excerpt with you today with some encouraging points.

Maybe you're doing more of eternal value than you realize. So what would a portrait of a life God rewards look like? 

We see a vivid picture of the life God rewards in the teachings of Jesus and in the rest of the New Testament. 

1.  God will reward you for seeking Him through spiritual acts such as fasting and praying (Matthew 6:6; Hebrews 11:6).

2.  God will reward you for submitting to your employer as a faithful steward (Matthew 24:45-47; Ephesians 6:8; Colossians 3:22-24).

3.  God will reward you for self-denial in His service (Matthew 16:24-27).

4.  God will reward you for serving those in need in His name (Mark 9:41).

5.  God will reward you for suffering for His name and reputation (Luke 6:22-23).

6.  God will reward you for sacrifices you make for Him (Luke 6:35). In fact, Jesus said that every person who sacrifices to follow Him will be rewarded a hundredfold (Matthew 19:29).

7.  God will reward you for sharing of your time, talent, and treasure to further His kingdom (Matthew 6:3-4; 1 Timothy 6:18-19).

Don't wait for your heart to move on its own, my friend, because it might never happen. Instead, apply what you've learned from the words of Jesus. Begin to move your treasure today to what matters in heaven... and your heart will follow.
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
I do hope that you are heaven bound, dear one. That you will one day see Him face to face, and that you will receive rewards that are eternal. I do hope to see you there as we travel Homeward.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

A Mother's Prayer ~ That They May Seek God
Moonbeams, Jessie Wilcox Smith 1863-1935 

Lord, for my children I would pray
That they may seek Thee every day
Through life, with all its storms and stress
Its sorrows, grief and bitterness.

In disappointments fly to Thee
For comfort, strength and sympathy.
And never find a truer friend,
But love and serve Thee to the end.

That they may take Thee as their Guide,
To lead them all the way beside;
Their Counsellor when troubled o'er
The many problems at youth's door.

If overwhelmed by dark despair,
Oh teach them how through faith and prayer
To crush this subtle devil's snare
And rest within Thy loving care.

For them no dizzy heights of fame
I crave, nor great and worldly gain,
In humble service let them aim
To spread the honor of Thy name.

That in this dark world may they shine
Their lives reflect Love Divine
Their object now their pleasure then,
Obedience to Thy will.

~ Author Unknown

Friday, May 12, 2017

From the Sewing Room ~ Ironing

I haven't been in the sewing room much lately, but I wanted to show you a few items that are helpful when I'm making the little girl dresses or when I'm doing some quilt blocks or applique.

The Mini Board lets me iron little dress sections and get a nice finish. 
It's a good size for children's armholes or sleeves.

The Mini Iron lets me get into and around areas like buttons or embellishments more easily than a regular iron does. It's also great for getting into the gathers of the skirt itself so they don't just get mashed flat.

The Mini Iron comes with a rest, 
but I usually just let it rest off the edge of the ironing board.
There's another version of the Mini Iron that comes with additional attachments.

I also find a small travel iron to be useful with smaller areas as well, whether it's ironing the little girl dresses, or when I'm making quilt blocks. 

Well, that's a few items that help the little girl dresses that I'm making iron up nicely.

I hope you have a few things that let your creative side flow a little smoother, too!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thankful Thursday ~ For Libraries
The Bookworm 1850,  Carl Spitzweg 1808-1885
We spent the day yesterday touring Continuing Care Residences and was very impressed with all that is offered. Lots of services available, and these particular residences seemed to be very caring of their community of residents. In fact, I really was rather blown away by the active, happy life that we saw in the three places we visited. One of the residences was having an activity in their library, with walkers and scooters parked by the doorway. Reminded me of all the strollers I see parked at a fun kids' activity!

Each CC Residence had a library, and at one we were told that the public library provides books, exchanging them on a rotating schedule. The library had comfortable chairs and tables, beckoning residents to sit and read awhile. The books could be checked out and returned, giving residents opportunity to continue their love for reading. Another residence said they also shelve books that the residents brought with them and donated to their library.

So thankful for public libraries that reach out in this way to their communities!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Friendships ~ From Drops of Kindnesses

  We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. 
As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; 
so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over.
~ Samuel Johnson

Image ~ Two Little Girls, Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841-1919

Monday, May 8, 2017

On Saving Seats

We've been doing some research on continuing care residences for my parents, and came across an article that had some interesting comments following it (94 of them). The comments were more enlightening than the article, giving us more information and questions to be asking as we make appointments. Some of the comments had to do with cliques that form in the residences, with some residents excluding others at activities or dinner for whatever reason or giving preference to already formed friendships, making it difficult for new residents to feel welcomed.

It reminds me of so many times, when I've gone to an event or activity and was told that the seat I was about to sit in was saved for someone else. Mind you, these were often people that I knew at these functions. You'd think they'd be more inclusive. Sometimes I could sit there, and then the person would move when someone more interesting showed up. I even once had a friend ask if when a mutual friend came, if I would let her have my seat and go move by someone else. It got to the point where I'd go as close to starting time as I could, then look for someone who was sitting alone. Both of us appreciated having one another there. (I'm happy to say that I haven't had this happen at our present church.)

I recently saw the title to a book, We Saved You a Seat, Finding and Keeping Lasting Friendships. The book's purpose is to show how to find friendship, which is a good thing, but the title took my mind back to how marginalized I had so often felt. I'm sure the author intends to convey that being a friend means people care enough about you to save you a seat. Fine for those for whom the seat is saved. Not so great for those who are turned away.

I've never liked saved seats. When I arrive somewhere, it's rather annoying to spot a place to sit and walk down the aisle, just to see someone's Bible or books or purse saving their or someone else's seat who is coming later. I can't count the times when I've had to wander around an auditorium just to come to the stake-outs. And it's really annoying, then, if you see them come to the seat later, pick up their stuff and go sit somewhere else. Or when one person is sent ahead to block off several seats for those arriving later to a production, making others who are already there take less desirable locations.

Well, so there's a pet peeve of mine. If you're a seat-saver who turns people away, please consider how it might affect them. It plays on our feelings of rejection and, in my opinion, is rather rude. But then, who really cares about my opinion on that, anyway? Certainly not the seat-saver.

Image ~ Rainbow Chair Tails by Carol Saxe 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunday Ponderings ~ One Anothering

It is grace, nothing but grace, that we are allowed to live in community with other Christians. 
~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This is the third Sunday that we weren't able to attend worship service with our church family, and we surely are feeling the void. While we can certainly worship God here at home away from our church-family and listen to the pastor's message online, I was reminded of reasons why we normally do gather together each week.

Besides the blessing of corporate worship, there's also the aspect of one-anothering that being together provides. When I received an email this afternoon from a church-family friend, my mind went to some of the one-anotherings that she was blessing us with. There are others that came to mind as well. I'm so thankful for a church family that "one-anothers."

We couldn't be a part of this aspect of our faith-life if we didn't go to the gatherings and participate. I do hope you have a church family that you meet with each week and are part of these one-anotherings. I know that there are groups of Christians around the world whose meeting together is a dangerous undertaking. They truly understand the need, perhaps more so than those of us who have the freedom each week to openly go and linger as we like.

Love one another

Pray for one another 

Encourage one another

Bear one another's burdens

Speaking to one another in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs

Build one another up

Confess your trespasses to one another

Be kindly affectioned one toward another

Serve one another 

Bearing with one another, forgiving one another

Let us consider one another, in order to stir up love and good work

Be hospitable to one another

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, 
but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Hebrews 10:25 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Weekend Daybook
Outside My Window...
Haven't been out much this week, but today's sunshine looks inviting! 

Noticing the sound of...
Coughing. My Beloved and I are, hopefully, coming near the end of this flu that our grandchildren shared with us while they were here. Coughing is tiring.

Thankful For ...
Medication that can give some relief.
I hope to...
Be well enough to keep some appointments midweek to look at continuing care communities for my parents. 

Much about continuing care communities. Some of them I think I'd enjoy myself! 

Reflecting on my daughter's birth as probably all mothers do on their children's birthday. Recalling that we almost didn't make it to the hospital in the middle of the night. She came so quickly. She's always been an eager beaver!
In the Kitchen...
Not much going on in there this week.
Around the house...
Not feeling like doing much besides trying to keep germs at bay. 

The fruit of my hands...
Just trying to keep my hands to myself and germ-free  

That I remember when news had to be factual and verifiable. Some people stop at nothing now to lead others into wrongful thinking. Children of the Father of Lies.

Reading... Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do 
by Paul David Tripp 

Will write more about it later, but you can read the first chapter by going to Paul Tripp's website.

P.S. Thinking that this isn't much of a daybook, but today is what it is.

Friday, May 5, 2017

From the Sewing Room ~ Anna's Dress

I haven't been in the sewing room much lately, but I did make our little Anna a special springtime dress. She wore it when we went to do a little shopping. I was looking for some flowers, and she chose some to take home to her mommy, too. She is a delightful little shopper, and I so much enjoy our times out together.

The dress is the same style I've been making for the other dresses for my maybe-someday-Etsy-shop, but I know Anna especially likes princessy dresses, so I added a chiffon overlay to the skirt. The fabric is actually a piece that I've had for many years. I had purchased it to make her mommy a skirt back when she was in college, but didn't get to it. She had picked out the fabric with scattered tulips back then, so I thought it would be extra special to use it for Anna's dress.

I added lace to the chiffon hem, added a dotted pink waistband and matching piping at the neck. The bodice is lined, and the back closure is matching pink dot loops for little white flower buttons.

I hope you've had the opportunity to enjoy your creative side a bit lately.... or have enjoyed some special moments with your grandchildren. Grandparents are truly blessed!

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged.
Proverbs 17:6

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thankful Thursday ~ Religious Liberty Regaining Ground

So thankful today for even a small step toward restoration of religious liberty. Thankful that God is using our current president's executive order to interrupt some of the government's hostility and begin returning freedom of speech to America's places of worship. Hopefully, we can anticipate some greater strides for those of faith.
"Faith is deeply embedded into the history of our country, the spirit of our founding and the soul of our nation," Trump said in the Rose Garden at a National Day of Prayer event with religious leaders and White House staff. "We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied or silenced anymore."

I believe that God is hearing the pleas of His people. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!

Image ~ White House north side by Martin Falbisoner

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Recommending ~ The Shortest Way Home: C.S. Lewis & Mere Christianity
My Beloved and I haven't been up to par the last several days, so to help take our minds off our aches and sniffles, we settled in this evening to watch The Shortest Way Home: C.S. Lewis & Mere Christianity on Amazon Prime. It's definitely a video I would recommend to anyone.

The Shortest Way Home is a basic documentary review of C.S. Lewis's book Mere Christianity and his coming to faith in Christ as he questioned the existence of God. There's a little dramatization thrown in, I suppose, for youth who may be viewing it to help keep it relevant for them. However, the insights given in the interviews with those knowledgeable of Lewis's life and writings give weight to understanding the apologetics of the documentary, bouncing back and forth to the young actresses having their chat in the coffee shop.

If you've read Mere Christianity, I think The Shortest Way Home will be especially interesting to you. If you haven't read it, the video may nudge you to check Lewis's Mere Christianity out of the library.

The Shortest Way Home is about an hour long. You can view the trailer by clicking on the image.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Thankful for Redirection

So thankful for a president who appointed a U.S. Supreme Court justice who will judge in accordance with the language of the U.S. Constitution. Looking forward to cases being tried fairly by the Constitution and not in accordance with individual justice's interpretations and inclinations. Praying that America can redirect some of its wayward ways.
Image ~ U.S. Supreme Court by Kjetil Ree


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