Thinking today about the idea of being a servant of God, particularly the concept of God doing His work through me, rather than my doing something for God. Do you see the difference in focus? God working through me is God working. The focus is God. My doing something for God is my working, and the focus is me.
Apart from God I can do nothing (John 15:5). As a servant, I must do what the Master wills. How do I know what the Master wills? By being in His Word, where I learn the heart of the Master. As I live in His will, He works through me to fulfill whatever purposes He desires. Because I can do nothing apart from God, He doesn't send me off to accomplish something all by myself. His Holy Spirit living in me works through me.
When the focus is my doing, I can get weary and worn trying to do, do, do. When the focus is God, I can rest in knowing His purposes are always accomplished, whether I'm able to see it or not. And I can be grateful that He chooses to use a vessel as myself to fulfill whatever purposes He may choose.
And so I ask myself--Where is my focus? On myself or on God? Am I busy doing things for God, or am I allowing Him to work through me?
Painting ~ A Girl Reading 1878, Edward G. Peruigini 1839-1918
Wikimedia public domain