Sharing a thought from Secrets of Happy Home Life by J.R. Miller:
Love always serves, or it is not love at all.
The greatest in Christ's kingdom are those who serve the most unselfishly. Husband and wife vie with each other in loving and serving. They mutually bear each other's burdens. The husband is the head, but he never says so; never reminds his wife of it; never claims authority; and defers to her in everything.The wife recognizes her husband as head, honors him, looks up to him with esteem and confidence—all the more because he never demands subjection. Thus true love in husband and wife never has any trouble about rights or place. Side by side they stand, these two wedded lovers, each a part of the other, each incomplete, a mere fragment without the other, but strong in their happy union in love.
Painting ~ The Little Helpmate by George Goodwin Kilburne 1839-1924
Wikigallery public domain
Wikigallery public domain