
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Counting a Few Blessings
Our move to our new home (and state) has gone very smoothly. A few bumps here and there, like trying to get our driver's license transferred, but all things considered, we've had a smooth transition. I was thinking as I was out grocery shopping today that people have been so friendly and helpful. It's almost as if they're glad we've come. It's a nice feeling as we've been out and about to be greeted with genuine warmth. As I struck up a conversation with the check out gal at the grocery store this morning, she said, "Welcome to Paradise." Well, that's quite a stretch, but we're enjoying living here.

Another blessing that I'm thinking of this evening is our small k-group that meets in a home on Wednesday evenings for prayer and discussion of the pastor's Sunday exposition. We're very much enjoying getting to know some new friends, and appreciate how they've reached out and welcomed us to the group.

A major blessing is being able to live near my parents and sisters and interact with them in just the everydayness of life and to be a support for one another. This is a big change for us as we've not had family around for several years.

Certainly many blessings to count.
Graphic ~Numbers in Different Colors, jannoon028


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