
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

From the Bookshelf ~ Seeing With New Eyes

Sharing a brief excerpt with you this evening from a favorite book, Seeing With New Eyes by David Powlison. God used this book to open my eyes and open my heart--to see past the rosy, the jaundiced, the bluesy, the sometimes mirrored lens as Powlison so expressively explains it. Yes, God does "make madmen sane."

"To think Christianly is "to think God's thoughts after him." Of course, our thinking is both finite and distorted. We never see it all; and we often misconstrue what we do see. We see in a glass darkly, skewed reflections in a battered bronze mirror--but we do see. God, who sees all things directly in full daylight, enlightens the eyes of our hearts. We see surfaces, catching glimpses of interiors; God sees to the inky or radiant depth of every heart, all the way down to fundamental hate or fundamental love. Our glasses are sometimes rosy, sometimes jaundiced, sometimes bluesy, sometimes mirrored on the inside of the lens (so that all we can see are the turbulent contents of our own interiors). The madness in our hearts generates warped spectra. But God sees all things in bright, clear light--and this God is the straightener of crooked thoughts. He makes madmen sane."

Painting ~ A Bit of Sunlight, Mary Hayllar, 1885


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