
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Coming Alongside
Thinking today of the affirming relationship between Jesus' mother Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, how each encouraged the other in their miraculous calling as mothers. Mothers who would nurture two boys, who themselves would one day change the world. Each woman needed the other, each understood the other. Although Mary and Elizabeth were experiencing something others of us could hardly imagine, we all need affirming relationships with other women who can empathize and encourage.

Scripture speaks of being a Titus 2 woman, one who nurtures younger women in their journey through life. Life can be a struggle. I remember thinking how complicated it was as I tried to figure out this thing of being a wife and mother. In His wisdom, God gives older women instruction to teach the younger women the ways of womanhood. Too often we get our instruction from current culture, from the media, from the celebrities. More often than not, it's hollow and empty. 

I've had women through the years who have filled this need in my own life. Like Mary, some have been family. Others have been dear friends. Some have simply taken me under their wings for a season and nurtured me through it. For all, I am forever grateful.

I hope I'm that kind of woman to other women. I know I've had many opportunities and am thankful for the privilege to come alongside. With our move last year, most of my spiritual daughters were left behind. That saddens me, but I sense that God is opening doors once again. I'm eager to walk along a few new paths to empathize and encourage in the coming year.

Painting ~ The Day's Catch, Daniel Ridgeway Knight 1839-1924


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