
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

That Better Way
I was reminded today that beauty fades. Not that I have or had any (I got the role of the witch in the elementary school play), but my hair is a battleground these days. Went to the hairdresser today, hoping for a new do, but I think it's time to just accept things as they are. As my 86-year-old mother says, "I've never been this old before." Still figuring it out.

I commented to my hairdresser and another gal there that in my younger years I had looked forward to being 50. I thought 50 was where it was at. The upper 20s gal said she thinks the same thing about 30. Personally, my 40s were the best. Had our girls still at home, lots of life going on all around us. Some of you know what I mean.

But 50 is many years behind me now, and it wasn't what I expected it to be. Hadn't taken into account the fading and aches and pains part. But as I sat there at the beauty shop (really? shopping for beauty?) I began to think about there being so much more to true living than what we look like. One of the most beautiful women I know is also the ugliest one physically that I know. She's truly beautiful in character and personality and in living life, though, and so much more. She's a joy to be around. Many of the beautiful women I know, though, are inwardly ugly and will become even uglier as time passes and they lament their loss. Only inner beauty can get better and better, even though the outer is fading fast. I wish they'd realize that. They could be so much more content and joyful.

There's so much more to enjoying life than having beauty. It's nice to feel good about how we look, but it's even nicer to feel good about who we're becoming. I'd rather be heading into that better way.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Painting ~ Woman Combing Her Hair, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1828-1882


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