
Friday, June 29, 2018

Mealtime Conversations

Friday is pizza day for me, and while we were out this evening at our favorite place, we overheard delightful conversation from across the way. A family with a teenaged boy and girl truly seemed to be enjoying have an evening out for pizza themselves. While most often we see families busy with their iphones when we're in a restaurant, this family was having a lively, loving conversation as they discussed the happenings of the day.

I stopped for a brief chat with them as we were leaving, offering a word of commendation. The daughter was quite a chatterbox, although all were adding to the conversation and heartily laughing. The dad commented that when she's around there's always conversation. I commented that they were also actively engaged in listening while she was talking, which is just as rare these days. They were truly a blessing.

They reminded me so much of our own mealtime conversations with our daughters when they were living at home. Such good memories. Mealtime is a favorable time for re-connecting and learning what's going on in each other's lives, opportune moments for discipling.

It was easy to see that these parents know what's going on in their children's lives. Do you?

Painting ~ One of the Family, Frederick George Cotman
1850-1920, public domain via Wikimedia Commons


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