
Friday, January 28, 2011

The Treasures of the Snow

Have you entered the treasures of the snow..?
Job 38:22

Another beautiful, snowy day here. Our street has stayed snow covered many days this winter. I spent the morning getting the house spiffied up for the weekend, then I drove over the mountain to the fabric shop this afternoon. The drive was absolutely beautiful. It was just a 20-minute drive, but it's amazing how much more snow covered just a few more feet in elevation can be. The tree boughs were heavy-ladened with snow, and it was like driving through a winter wonderland. I love living in the changing seasons and standing in awe of God's grand creation!

Click here to order this fabric
I had been wanting to get a striped piece of fabric to cut and use as a border and had a $10 coupon for that particular fabric shop. Found this beautiful Benartex piece and, of course, spent more than the $10 to get a couple of coordinating pieces. Thought I'd better get that now so when I get around to using the stripe, I'll have something to work in with it. I love getting pieces from the same collection already matched up and then just finding another piece or two if need be.

My beloved wasn't feeling well today, so it's been a rather quiet day around the house. I spent some time this afternoon and evening working on a quilt I had laid aside for a couple of months. I think it's too large (queen) for me because I'm getting tired of working on it. I've never done anything that big, and I'm learning that I prefer smaller and quicker projects. I like to see things completed and then move on to something else, although I do enjoy the process itself.

Time to put everything aside and get some rest. Hopefully, my beloved will feel better in the morning.

I hope you have a refreshing weekend.


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