I want to tell you today about this absolutely marvelous book for young women who are serious (VERY SERIOUS) about pursing biblical womanhood and staying at home until marriage. I was introduced to So Much More, written by sisters Anna Sophia and Elizabeth Botkin, by a 17-year-old friend who thought it was terrific. I do too, and so I've given it a few times as a gift to young gals, along with prayers that God will use it to touch hearts in an even more profound way.
This book is radical, biblical thinking, and for those who are new to the ideas presented, it would take some time for musing over. It's a book for young women who want to do more than just survive in our feministic, anti-Christian, anti-family culture. It's about personal and cultural change.
My 17-year-old friend had introduced me to the companion DVD, Return of the Daughters, a few months before. The DVD is a documentary by the Botkin sisters, highlighting several young women who have made the "So-Much-More" choice. The day after watching it, I ordered four to give away. I've encouraged the gals to watch it with their fathers. As I've said, it's radical thinking, and not everyone can handle this, but for those who are ready, it's a powerful way to prepare for a life dedicated to God's grace and glory.
You can view the trailer at http://visionarydaughters.com/return-of-the-daughters.