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Young Mother in the Garden ~ Mary Cassatt |
I mentioned the baby shower that I attended on Saturday of the daughter of a dear friend. This will be this young gal's first baby. I had been asked to bring a brief devotional and thought I'd share some of those thoughts with you today, as you "listen in."
Elizabeth, you've physically changed since the last time I saw you. Things are about to change even more! Your life will never be the same after a few short weeks.Your heart will never be the same. Your purposes will never be the same. Every day will never be the same! Much will change, and I’m sure you and your husband are looking forward to it with eagerness.
At our house we’ve been going through boxes of family pictures this past month, putting together photo books for our own daughters’ birthdays, both born in May—30 & 33 years ago. My, how the memories have flooded my heart! I came across their going-home gowns in the cedar chest. (I had them with me to show.) I’m sure your mother remembers your and your sister's going-home outfits. Maybe she still has them. Maybe you’ve already picked out some sweet gown for your little girl to wear home. I’m sure she’ll look absolutely darling!
You think about her a lot, don’t you? You wonder what she looks like. What she’ll be like.
I imagine your heart is excited to meet this new little life inside you, to touch her hand, her cheek, to have her eyes meet yours.
You have a lot of joy awaiting you, … but there will be some difficulties, as well. Both of you will make some poor decisions, some wrong choices. You’ll have some heartache. Most of the mothers here probably experienced it. (ALL?) I did. Your mother did. Sometime over tea, ask her about it. She can be your dearest Titus 2 friend, if you let her be.
Which brings me to a few thoughts to share with you.
I’m not looking back and telling you all the things that I did right. I did a few things right by God’s grace, but in the early years I’m ashamed to say that I was self-focused, impatient, and pretty much clueless about being a mother. I’m so thankful for His mercy and grace! So I speak to you today out of shortcomings mingled with a few things I’ve learned along the way.
• First of all, I know that you know that this precious bundle of joy, who is finishing her final few days within you, is a gift from God.
King David described it so beautifully when he penned in Psalm 139:
You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven … Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
• God intends for this little girl to be a blessing to you—she is His gift to you. Treat her like that treasured gift, even on those difficult days. Treat her with great respect, with tenderness. Love her Anyway and Always. It's how God loves us. We are to be an image of His divine parenthood, however faint that image might be.
• But most of all, point her to God. You will fail her. Mothers and fathers do. You won’t be a super mom. None of us are. Teach her to trust in God, to pour out her heart before Him. Teach her to pray, and pray for her. Pray for yourself and for your husband, that God will give you wisdom.
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Generations ~ Loren Entz |
• Not only does God intend for her to be a blessing to you, He intends for her to be a blessing to her grandparents. Proverbs 17:6--Grandchildren are the crown of the aged. Give them time together and let God use them in each other’s lives. They need each other.
• Don’t try to go it alone.
Grandparents are God’s idea for multi-generational faith-building.
Deut. 4:9--“Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart ... Make them known to your children and your children's children.
Everyone benefits!
Surround yourself with people who are like-minded. Being a mother is a lot of work, and you will need encouragement.
Encouragement to persevere in doing what’s right.
Encouragement that being a mommy is important.
Encouragement to daily walk with God.
We are Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hand—He uses us to strengthen and encourage His children.
The purpose of having this shower for you is to encourage you as you step into this new dimension of life.....
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father…” — Colossians 1:9-12
Enjoy this little one coming into your life.
Enjoy every phase. Try not to miss any of it.
Rainbows and childhood too soon disappear.
Be intentional as you’re parenting.
Seeds sown in her childhood will bear fruit in her adulthood.
Play with her, laugh with her. Celebrate each new accomplishment.
As we, with your mother, celebrate yours today.