Today I join others at The Simple Woman’s Daybook, a weekly journal page that focuses on simple
thoughts and simple living. My leads are somewhat similar to others in
the group, but somewhat different as well.
Outside my window...
A fresh mowed lawn on a beautifully sunny, not-too-humid day.
That this would be good evening for a walk in the neighborhood if folks wouldn't let their dogs run loose. It's nice to greet people and their leashed doggies as you pass on a walk, but I don't like loose ones barking at my ankles. Bad dog.
For neighbors who have invisible fences for their dogs. Banks is our neighbor's dog who greets us whenever we come home. (They named him Banks because they like to go to the Outer Banks on vacation. Gotta wonder about names sometimes.) He sits at the property line by his driveway for us to give him a Milkbone, his daily treat. :-) Good dog.
In the Garden...
Just pulling out weeds here and there as I pass by. Need to cut back the hosta. I've never been able to keep it looking nice, and it's being overtaken by a couple of supposedly dwarf mugo pines, anyway. Sure won't have any in our next yard.
the house....
Beloved is still clearing out the garage, but I moved inside and
stripped the wallpaper in the living room. It took me three days! Now the dining and living
rooms are ready for a redo to get the house ready for the market. (I'm
NEVER EVER going to have wallpaper again!)
From the Kitchen...
Fixed a new recipe yesterday. Fixed the same meal the day before. The first day I forgot to plug in the crock pot and began to wonder in the afternoon why I didn't smell a wonderful aroma simmering away. So I had to throw that out, but, thankfully, had enough of the same ingredients to try again. The recipe is from Fix It and Foget It, and is an easy slow cooker meal. Sharing it with you today. The recipe is for 2 servings, so add more ingredients if you have more than two to fix for.

Crockpot Chicken and Vegetables
2 medium potatoes, quartered (I used 4 red potatoes)
2-3 carrots, sliced (I used baby carrots, about half of a small bag)
2 frozen chicken breasts, or 2 frozen drumstick/thigh pieces (I used thighs. If they aren't frozen, adjust the cooking time.)
salt to taste
pepper to taste
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1-2 cups shredded cabbage (I shredded only slightly so as to have larger pieces and only used 1 cup)
16-oz. can chicken broth (I used 14 oz.)
1. Place potatoes ad carrot i slow cooker. Layer chicken on top. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, onion, and garlic. Top with cabbage. Carefully pour chicken broth around edges.
2. Cover. Cook on Low 8-9 hours. (Adjust time if chicken isn't frozen)
This week's find...
A beautiful little glass dish at a thrift shop. Trying not to bring much of anything else into the house these days with packing up and all, but this little treasure was much too cute to leave on the shelf. I had actually gone into the shop to look for children's books when I took a load of things there from clearing out, and that little dish called out to me as I passed by. Just had to give it a home!
Looking forward to...
Going thrifting (junking as it's fondly called these days) with Mom when we get moved. She and I both love to find pretty little dishes, and our houses will be within walking distance from each other. :-)
To be moved by Thanksgiving.
fruit of my hands …
Re-fitted a couple of pillow cases for My Beloved. Posted about it yesterday.
Miracles on Maple Hill by Virginia Sorensen
It's a children's book first published in 1956, a Newbery Medal winner--one of those books when children had time to be children and filled with character traits that we all want ours to emulate. It's a book that I picked up at a thrift shop to have for the grands when they come to visit. I like to preview the books before they read them, and I've been especially looking for hardback books. This is just a scholastic paperback, but I'm glad it's still in print.
What might have happened to this huge moth. It was lying on our sidewalk one morning this week looking like this all day. I thought it might fly away, but it didn't. :-/
A quote to share....
"Like sand mixing with iron, an edifice that blends elements of Bible
truth with worldliness will not adhere but come apart. As in the church
so in the heart."
~ Andree Seu Peterson, Unstable Elements: How persons and institutions create explosive situations for themselves, World Magazine
You may enjoy reading what some
other simple women are saying and doing these days here.
I do hope you are doing well yourself.
Take care, dear one.