
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

God's Love at the Quilt Shop

Today was quilt class for another of Kim Diehl's Simple Whatnots Club. We're working on Cloud Nine this month, 541 little pieces for a 24.5 x 24.5-in quilt. Cloud Nine? I do feel a little spacey after all that cutting! We started the sewing today, and the little 3.5-inch squares really are cute.  This is what I hope mine will look like.

There's a lot of chatter in a quilt shop. A lot of sharing of ideas. A lot of sharing of hearts. One of the women had recently lost her husband to cancer, and a friend who had stopped in was recalling his generous qualities. A blessed time of encouragement for this new widow. She said his death made her realize that she needed to be with people more on a friendship level, so she had quit her job that was taking up too much of her time. A wise decision.

Another lady came in who has terminal cancer to see if she could sell her fabric stash and a few books. She is selling everything and going to Florida. It was sad, and an opportunity for being a channel of God's love. We bought all of her fabric and most of the books she had. I had the opportunity to pray with her in the parking lot before she left.

Most of us need encouragement on a daily basis. Sometimes we know when someone is in need, but I think most often we don't. I was glad to be an encouragement to someone today, but these ladies were also an encouragement to me. Their situations reminded me that our times are in God's loving hands. They made me thankful that I still have My Beloved. And thankful that I still have good health.

But even if I didn't still have My Beloved,
and even if I didn't still have my good health...
I know that nothing can separate me from the love of God.

And that's what I prayed for that dear lady packing up to move to Florida.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor death, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
~ Romans 8:38-39


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