Posting on Saturdays, linking on Mondays.
Outside my window...
Rain, soggy, soaking rain for a couple of days now. Landslide near the airport, crushing a church and evacuating some homes.
About my dad's doctor visit today.
For the good health he's had for 88 years.
The fruit of my hands...
Finished True Blue by Kim Diehl this week. Posted about it yesterday.
Seeing With New Eyes by David Powlison.
Looking forward to...
Getting major fix-ups taken care of around the house so we can put the house on the market for our upcoming move.
That when people show off their knowledge as if others of us have no clue about anything, just swallow my pride, listen and maybe learn something.
Wondering how a couple of old homeschooling friends are doing these days. Don't get to see them much now that our paths don't cross. Thinking about contacting them to get together over lunch sometime soon.
Wondering how a couple of old homeschooling friends are doing these days. Don't get to see them much now that our paths don't cross. Thinking about contacting them to get together over lunch sometime soon.
Around the house...
Not much going on of my doing, but My Beloved is mostly finished patching the ceiling from the leaky shower.
A Peek Into My Week...
A lot of sewing and not much tidiness, trying to get a couple of projects finished before the grands come this next weekend.
A lot of sewing and not much tidiness, trying to get a couple of projects finished before the grands come this next weekend.