(Mirriam Webster Dictionary)
But perhaps his mother is one of those women who prefer to do away with receiving such a courtesy from a man, wanting to prove they can do it all by themselves, thank you. I've even had a man walk through a door that I've opened for myself--just rushed right on by me and out he went. Even though they can be loud and brash, feminists don't speak for all of us. Definitely not for me.
Chivalry is fading, but, thankfully, it isn't completely gone. I was privileged to be a recipient of it a couple of times recently--from those other than My Beloved, that is. (He has always treated me with honor and respect, and for that I am blessed and thankful. It's part of what drew me to him.) These chivalrous couple of occasions reminded me that there are still some men out there who aren't being shamed into putting aside their good manners. It speaks well of them. Honor given is honor received.
It also makes being out and about more pleasant. For example, while grocery shopping yesterday, a man and I approached the checkout almost at the same moment, although he was just a few steps ahead of me. To my surprise, he deferred to me and offered for me to go ahead of him. I hesitated, not sure if I should accept his kind offer or defer back to him since he was approaching first and had less items than I had. I didn't want to reject his kindness, but I deferred back to him, and he thanked me.
A couple of weeks ago as I was leaving a restaurant after lunch, I was approaching the door just ahead of a young father who was leaving with two little ones in a double stroller. I held the door for him, he thanked me, and commented that he should be holding the door for me! Ahhh! Another man that the feminists have not yet shamed.
What surprised me about these encounters, though, is that they surprised me. It hasn't been so long ago that chivalry was common place. Then was truly a gentler and kinder America. We would do far better with more men and women who give honor and in return receive honor, instead of trying to prove how adept we are at fending for ourselves.
We are quickly losing our appreciation of one another. Undone by those who are blind to what is best for us all.
Image ~ Victorian Chivalry
public domain, via WikiCommons