
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Manners and Courtesy in the Home

As My Beloved and I were leaving church on Sunday, we stopped to chat with a young couple and the conversation turned to men being chivalrous. This young man was commenting that chivalry has left our culture, and that it is to our shame. How encouraging it was to hear a young man lamenting that loss, yet how much more encouraging to see him carrying his young lady's bags and opening the car door for her. It's such a blessing to see our own sons-in-law doing to the same for our daughters.

I often comment to My Beloved how much I appreciate his gentlemanliness toward me, as he is always attentive to opening doors for me, helping me with my coat, assisting me into the car, and so many other thoughtful acts of love. Too often I see husbands who give no attention to these little acts of kindness, and thankfulness stirs within me for the heart of My Beloved. When kindness reciprocates kindness, gracious courtesy is set in motion.

I'd like to share the following piece from Grenville Kleiser's Inspiration and Ideals: Thoughts for Everyday, 1918.
"There is special need for gentle manners and courtesy in the home. The familiarity of family intercourse may unconsciously lead to laxity in kindliness, willingness, and considerateness. Habits of self-restraint, intelligent tact, and self-sacrifice are frequently needed where people of varied tastes and temperaments are in intimate daily contact. It is remarkable what one member of a household can do by means of right personal example. When you apply the qualities of sincerity, graciousness, courtesy, cheerfulness and affectionate regard toward those in your family circle, you have set in motion an influence which can not be adequately estimated. Love always wins, and it is still the greatest thing in the world."


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