Redeemed Through His Infinite Mercy!
I find it noteworthy that Earth Day falls on Good Friday this year. While some of us are worshiping the God of creation, some are worshiping the earth that He created. It's all part of Lucifer's seductive scheme in the cosmic spiritual battle.
All of us worship something or someone. The Enemy knows that we do. Down through the ages he has enticed us with substitutes for worship of the true and living God. This appeals to mankind, for to worship Jehovah God is to recognize our responsibility to Him, and, indeed, our need for Him. To accept a worship substitute is to acquiesce to the strategy of the Serpent.
Satan does not care who or what we worship, as long as it isn't Jehovah God. The Good Earth will do just fine. So he takes what is good--God-given stewardship of His own created earth--so that somehow, the earth becomes mother to many who are convinced they evolved from her, have a responsibility to her, and need her for survival. This is substitution worship at its apex.
Yet Jehovah God continues to call us to Himself. Today is Good Friday, the day of reflecting on our Savior's Redemptive work.
He draws, yet so many are blind and deaf or willfully refuse."And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." He said this to show by what kind of death he was going to die......" ~John 12:32-22
But for those who desire reconciliation with Jehovah God.......
God of earth, God of sky: Lord, on Thee all things rely.
God of time, God of space: Father Thou of Adam's race;
Torn from Thee by Adam's fall, Lord, to Thee we raise the call:
God of time, God of space, Meet with us, in this place.
Spotless Lamb come for me, Reconcile my debt to Thee.
Sinful men, helpless, lost, With Thy life's blood paid the cost;
Take away our bent to sin: Wash our hearts and cleanse within.
Lamb of God slain for me, Lamb of Life, hear my plea.
Bread of Life, Daily Bread, By Thy grace our souls are fed.
Broken once all to feed, Give us strength for every need.
Blest communion through the Son, All our hearts are knit as one;
Bread of Life, Daily Bread, To Thy feast we are led.
King of kings, Lord of lords--Heaven's anthems shout the chords.
Holy God, Angel Bright; Conqueror of the Hosts of Night.
Allelulia! Praise the Lamb! God of Ages, Great "I AM!"
Master, Lord, claim Thine own; Take my heart as Thy throne.
God of Earth, God of Sky ~ Philip A. Gingery
Ah, yes. The throne. In that is the crux of the matter.
You might also be interested in reading Doug Phillips' Blog on "A Christian Response to Earth Day." To many, it's about much more than good stewardship. Just click on the image below.