
Friday, June 29, 2018

Mealtime Conversations

Friday is pizza day for me, and while we were out this evening at our favorite place, we overheard delightful conversation from across the way. A family with a teenaged boy and girl truly seemed to be enjoying have an evening out for pizza themselves. While most often we see families busy with their iphones when we're in a restaurant, this family was having a lively, loving conversation as they discussed the happenings of the day.

I stopped for a brief chat with them as we were leaving, offering a word of commendation. The daughter was quite a chatterbox, although all were adding to the conversation and heartily laughing. The dad commented that when she's around there's always conversation. I commented that they were also actively engaged in listening while she was talking, which is just as rare these days. They were truly a blessing.

They reminded me so much of our own mealtime conversations with our daughters when they were living at home. Such good memories. Mealtime is a favorable time for re-connecting and learning what's going on in each other's lives, opportune moments for discipling.

It was easy to see that these parents know what's going on in their children's lives. Do you?

Painting ~ One of the Family, Frederick George Cotman
1850-1920, public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Thankful ~ That He Knows How to Rescue

For the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials. 
~ 2 Peter 2:9

He knows how to rescue, yet He also knows that trials strengthen my faith. 
I am thankful that He walks through the trials with me, 
ready to uphold me with His everlasting arms when the rescue is needed.

Painting ~ La Wally, Auguste Raynaud
1845-1887, public domain

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Home of Tender Childhood

The house itself in which we live, with its surroundings and adornments, is important. Every home-influence, even the very smallest, works itself into the heart of childhood.
Homes are the real schools in which men and women are raised, and fathers and mothers are the real teachers and builders of life.
There is nothing in all the influences and surroundings of the home of tender childhood so small that it does not leave its touch of beauty or of marring upon the life.
~ JR. Miller, in Home-Making,1882 

Painting ~ A Critical Moment, Harry Brooker, 1848-1940
Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Even Though You May Already Know

I'm beginning to read 2 Peter today, and as I come to verses 12-15 of chapter one, my mind goes back to the death of our friend Roger a few days ago. I think he could have penned the very words the Apostle Peter wrote in the first chapter as he was facing imminent death himself. Roger and his wife Marlo were always reminding us of the important things of life.
Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you. I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder, knowing that the laying aside of my earthly dwelling is imminent, as also our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. And I will also be diligent that at any time after my departure you will be able to call these things to mind (v. 12-15).
My Beloved and I worked on our state homeschooling board for several years along with Roger and Marlo and two other couples who became some of our dearest friends. We've met up yearly in a central location in the ensuing years to keep in touch and pray for homeschoolers across our state, but this past year the group wasn't able to synchronize a time to do that. It saddens us that we were not able to connect, knowing now that Roger's degenerating body would soon release him, and he would depart this earth. 

The Apostle Peter reminded fellow believers to keep reminding others of the faith, that we are to keep growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. As Roger and Marlo often reminded us, I remind you to do the same, dear one, so that grace and peace can be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

As for the Apostle Peter and our friend Roger's knowledge of Jesus...
We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, 
because we will see Him just as He is.
1 John 3:2 
 They have now seen Him, just as He is.

BTW--If you're a homeschooling family, please consider supporting your state organization. They give hundreds of hours of volunteer service each year that most families probably know little about, but who reap the benefits nevertheless.

Painting ~ Thoughtful Reader, František Dvořák (1862-1927)
public domain via Wikimedia Commons 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Prepared to Live

To be prepared to die is to be prepared to live. 
~ Charles Spurgeon

The last two weeks have been the last days on earth for my aunt as well as a dear friend from back home. Both have passed through the gates of death to their new homeland. We traveled to be with my uncle and family last weekend, and last evening we also learned of our friend Roger having passed from earthly life to heavenly life.

Both are now rejoicing as they've met their Savior face to face, yet there is much sadness in their absence for those who loved them here. They have groaned for the last time as death pangs dislodged them from this earth and conveyed them into their new heavenly existence. And so we grieve, but not as the world grieves, for we shall one day see them again.

I do hope you are prepared to die, dear one, for the day is surely coming as it does to us all.  If you're not sure about life after your earthly death, I've written here about what drew me to Jesus and eternal life with him. I whisper a prayer that he is drawing you to himself as well. I hope to see you in my heavenly home when I see him face to face.

“If I do not think of death, yet death will think of me.”
~ Spurgeon

Image via pixabay

Saturday, June 23, 2018

On Taking Offense

Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.
Proverbs 19:11

Good sense is rather uncommon these days, and too many people take offense too easily. Not only do they take offense, but they take it to social media where they then give offense to the person from whom they took offense.

In a day of demands for tolerance, there looms intolerance for anyone who expresses an opinion that differs. Feelings get hurt and they cry foul. The intolerant want their own opinions commended and celebrated. They shroud themselves in victim mentality and seek sympathy.

Truth is often taken as offensive, but it is never good to skirt the truth for the sake of someone's misconceptions. How we speak truth, however, can make a difference to someone who is teachable and willing to hear.

While I doubt that most of us look for ways to offend, it seems that many look for ways to take offense. They crave affirmation in their opinions and choices, and their hypersensitivity leaves little room for being criticized. Their quest for self-construction alienates them from input that could otherwise be beneficial to their own well-being and leaves them stuck where they are.

I lay much of that fault at the feet of the school environment. As a teacher, I was encouraged to lavish praise so no child would have hurt feelings and to close the achievement gap by rewarding everyone in some way just for showing up. That approach is a misstep in teaching children to take their place in a society that will inevitably disagree with them on many issues and not reward them for lack of effort. These young adults are now facing the opinions and criticism of others, and they aren't dealing with it very well. And society is suffering as a result.

This is not to say, however, that we are never to take offense when it is intentional. Some things are wrong and injurious and should rankle us. We should be offended at harm that comes to those we should protect, offended at abuse, offended at the persecution faced by those of faith around the world.

It would better society to take a closer look at what offends us and to reserve our indignity to what really matters. Too many delude themselves with their own grandeur and get offended by the wrong things. They need to take an honest analysis of why they are offended. It would do society a world of good to flick the chips off our own shoulders.

It's just plain good sense.

 Painting ~ Daniel Ridgway Knight, 1839-1924
public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Friday, June 22, 2018

  We cannot follow Jesus when we are asking him to follow us.

~ Kenneth Boa in Conformed to His Image

Image by Valiunic via Pixabay


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