
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

From the Book Shelf ~ The Civil War Diary Quilt
Read some journal entries this evening in The Civil War Diary Quilt by Rosemary Youngs. The book contains 121 entries penned by women during the Civil War (or War of Northern Aggression as some referred to it) and quilt blocks that Rosemary was inspired to make relevant to the journal entries. The blocks are nice, but the journal entries touch the heart.

These were all brave women. Their lives were very difficult, but a common thread seems to have been their faith in God, no matter which side of the conflict they were on. The best and worst of people seep out in times of hardship, and that's seen in sometimes admirable, yet often atrocious conduct of the soldiers on both sides. Those women whose faith sustained them were granted inner strength amid the turmoil.

This evening's reading was journal entries by Isabella Buchanan Edmonson. Belle was a confederate spy, smuggling letters and supplies to the rebel forces. Her mother had died in 1861, when Belle was 21. Belle was 23 when she penned these entries. Leaning heavy into the strength of her Redeemer.
Father of justice and mercy, crown our armies with victory, drive the wicked tyrants from our Sunny land-we humbly crave thy pardon and blessing-oh! give us peace-guide my Bros., keep them from harm. ~ March 28, 1864
Oh! Heavenly Father, we pray and beseech thee to hear our prayers - drive the enemy from our soil and give us peace. ~ June 30, 1864
Oh! my heavenly redeemer, guide me, teach my heart forbearance, and for pity lighten my trials. ~ July 26, 1864

Belle died unexpectedly and suspiciously at age 33, July 1873.

Friday, September 16, 2016

From the Sewing Room ~ Autumn Wall Quilt

I've had Nicole's Autumn Pumpkin Patch pattern for a couple of years, and decided to work on it for our first autumn in our new home. Finished it up yesterday, and it's now hanging in our kitchen, where we'll get to enjoy it for several weeks.

I used mostly batiks from my stash, except for the pumpkins which are just plain cotton, and worked with fusible applique and blanket stitch.

I had intended to do the applique by hand, but the combination of fusible, batiks, and cotton batting made it much too stiff for hand-stitching, so I machine-appliqued and quilted it. Looks like I need to add a door knob. ;-)

I added some veins to the leaves.  

I decided to make yoyoes for the berries instead of trying to applique all  those circles, and tacked them onto the stems by hand, just catching the centers. If you've seen the original pattern, you'll notice that I didn't add the star to the top of the house. Wasn't going for quite that much whimsy.

So, that's it for this week in the sewing room.

Linking up with Amanda Jean for Finish It Up Friday.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thankful Thursday ~ Hobby Lobby

The autumn season sets me in mind to be thankful, so I thought I'd take a moment on Thursdays as we journey into Thanksgiving to speak a word of gratitude to God for the abundance of blessings that He bestows.

Today's thought of gratitude is for Hobby Lobby where I bought a few autumn sprigs today and this beautiful sunflower. I truly enjoy going there and having a pleasant shopping experience. Their music ministers to my spirit while I shop for items that will help to set the atmosphere of our home--a place to welcome friends and family.

I so very much appreciate Hobby Lobby's CEO's stand for righteousness in our culture of moral decadence. Shopping at Hobby Lobby is my way of saying thanks.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Common, Everyday Blessings
Saying Grace

“As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that it is the common, everyday blessings of our common everyday lives for which we should be particularly grateful. They are the things that fill our lives with comfort and our hearts with gladness—just the pure air to breathe and the strength to breath it; just warmth and shelter and home folks; just plain food that gives us strength; the bright sunshine on a cold day; and a cool breeze when the day is warm.” 

~Laura Ingalls Wilder
~Writings to Young Women from Laura Ingalls Wilder 
Vol. One: On Wisdom and Virtues

Painting ~ Saying Grace, Cottage Interior,  George Smith 1829-1901

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Best Way to Boast

One of the usually delightful aspects of our moving to our new location has been meeting new people, and we've met a great many here who are interesting, helpful, kind, and humble. It's the occasional person, though, who seems to think more highly of herself than she ought to think.

The best way to boast is not to boast at all. If there's something grand and glorious about us, people will find out sooner or later. 

I'm reminded of a good friend of the past who graduated from Yale. Living in a small town then, I thought that was a bit impressive. But he never mentioned it. We learned that piece of information quite indirectly several years later, and not from him. We were even more impressed then because he hadn't flaunted his education. That, as far as I'm concerned, is true humility and graciousness that is due respect.

Grace puts its hand on the boasting mouth, and shuts it once for all.
~ Charles Spurgeon 

Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth.
~ Proverbs 27:2

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Simple Woman's Daybook

 For Today's%20Daybook

Looking out my window...         

Not far from us is a restored railroad depot that occasionally takes excursions on a seldom used track that runs behind our property. The train meandered by today as I was in the sewing room, and I could see the passengers watching out their windows. A pleasant view from my window as well.

I am thinking...
That we have such good daughters. Hopefully, we'll be able to see one another soon.

I am thankful...
For a nice neighborhood with friendly neighbors.You never know when you move, or when a house becomes available near you, what kind of neighbors you might get. We left wonderful neighbors where we had lived for more than 40 years. So thankful for the new neighbors we now have.
I am creating... 
I made a couple of hot pads/pot holders today from some kaleidoscopes that I had on hand. I'll often sit in the evening and hand stitch the kaleidoscopes from triangles that I've already prepared, and then use them later in a project. I'm planning to give the hot pads to a new church friend as a hostess gift when we go to their house tomorrow for supper.

I am reading...
It was recommended as a 2016 Book of the Year in World Magazine. Short essays. Not necessarily a book I would have chosen except for the review in WM. The author seems to be rather short-sighted as far as life goes.

I am learning... 
To do needtleturn applique. I've been working on several quilt blocks over the past several months that will eventually be a quilt for our little Anna. I'm getting a little better at it as I go along, although I definitely have a long way to go. I posted about it yesterday.

In my kitchen...
We had leftover mac & cheese with broccoli for lunch today. It's a lighter fare than the normal mac & cheese. Sharing the recipe.
While a 1.5 cup of macaroni and about 6 oz of broccoli are boiling, brown about a fourth cup of chopped onions in butter. Add 2 tablespoons of flour, cooking until a bit golden. Add a cup of milk a half cup of chicken broth, and stir until thickened. Remove from heat and stir in a cup of cheese until melted. (Your choice. I use whatever I have). Mix with macaroni and broccoli. Put into 8x8 baking dish that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Mix 1 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese with 2 tablespoons bread crumbs and sprinkle over top of macaroni. Spray top of mixture with vegetable spray. Bake at 375F for 15-20 minutes; then broil for a few minutes until breadcrumbs are browned.

In my garden...
Just trying to keep the few flowering plants that I have from dying of thirst in this heat. This was our first summer living here, and I'm learning as the months pass that what may have flourished at our previous home just doesn't make it here.

A moment from my day
I've done a little autumn decorating, although the weather isn't turning at all fallish. I hear that I shouldn't look for that here until about November. Missing WV, where it begins to turn beautifully autumn in late September, early October.

Post Script
If you have children / grandchildren that you buy books for, you might be interested in Redeemed Reader. It's a website for reviews, resources and reflections on children's books and literature. "Our goal is not only helping kids find good books, but also teaching them to read with discernment."

Linking up today with Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook

Friday, September 9, 2016

From the Sewing Room ~ Learning Needleturn Applique

Two or three years ago on one of our day trips, I purchased a Stitchers Garden kit at a quilt shop along the way. The sample hanging in the shop was stunning, so I decided to get the block-of-the-month kit to work on for my little granddaughter, who was a little over a year old at the time. I figured I had plenty of time to complete it before she'd be in a bed big enough for it to grace. Little Anna is now four, and I've finished twelve of the fifteen blocks (there are 3 extras, so we get a choice of which 12 to use in the quilt). I'm almost ready to decide which 12 I'd like to use. I'll probably choose fewer blocks since I'll probably size it to be for a twin bed.

My quilt will undoubtedly not look like the sample, though, because when I purchased it, I didn't realize that it was a kit for a class the shop was offering on learning to use decorative stitches and techniques like pintucking, couching, fringing, using various presser feet. But, not to be undone, I decided to learn needle turn applique on the blocks. Some of the shapes didn't lend themselves readily to needleturn, but I gleaned quite a bit by watching Jan Patek's tutorials on the Missouri Star Quilt Company site as well as some other tutorials. I think I've been improving somewhat block by block.

One of the key techniques for me to learn was using a long, slender milliner's needle. I have a long, long way to go to get needleturn applique mastered, but here are a couple my practice blocks.

Linking up today with Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sometimes I Connect. Sometimes I Struggle.
We were discussing idols of the heart in our small group fellowship last evening. Some thoughts and comments have lingered with me throughout today. This is an issue that I've come face-to-face with many times over the years, or should I say.. heart-to-heart with over the years--my heart connecting with, and sometimes struggling with, God's heart. My desire for as long as I can remember is to be a woman after God's heart. Sometimes I connect. Sometimes I struggle.

I've learned, and am still learning, that the scent of struggle itself is the deep down whiff of my heart...a heart that is seeking its own satisfaction, its own delight, its own expectations. And so often in the struggle, I'm struck with the realization that I've been looking to something or someone other than God Himself to satisfy me, to delight me, to fulfill whatever expectations I may have.

I'm learning that so often I have God created in my own 'love language'. If He truly loves and cares about me, He would show His love in a way that is meaningful to me, a way that would give me warm fuzzies. Well, of course! He would fulfill my expectations, satisfy my longings for whatever, delight me with gifts and blessings and relationships and....  No, no. That's the psychobabble of much of today's counsel. God wants us to have a heart after Him, not a heart after ourselves.

The Bible tells us that we don't really know our own hearts. My experience has been that I've so often not even realized that I was idolizing something or someone. I just knew that there was a struggle going on within me. Amazing grace! That is one reason God sent the Holy Spirit to live in the hearts of His children. He searches our hearts, to see if there is any wayward way. And He teaches us God's ways. So thankful that I am not on my own to figure all of this out! And so thankful that God gave us the Scriptures so we could learn more about Him.

Bottom line for me...
     Stay in the Word
     Keep learning about God and His ways
     Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
     Don't give in to the struggle of my own expectations

Painting ~ Breakfast Time, Carl Holsoe

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Welcome, September

Happy we who can bask in this warm September sun, which illumines all creatures, 
as well when they rest as when they toil, not without a feeling of gratitude.
~ Henry David Thoreau

Photo ~ nilgans, KHFalk,  Pixabay CC0


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