
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Our Part Is to Nurture
If you're a Christian parent, I'm sure your greatest desire is that your children come to faith in Jesus Christ. I was reminded of that this week in talking with a mom who has wisdom in waiting for God to work in her child's heart.

Wanting to share an article with you that I read this week: "How the Spirit Draws a Child."  If you have children still living at home, I think you'll appreciate the "graces" the author discusses to nurture them in their faith. 

A brief excerpt from the article that you can find here:
As a pastor for family discipleship and children's ministries, I see how open children's hearts often are, with a kind of eagerness to learn that is distinct to childhood. Our part as parents is to nurture their hearts toward Christ through prayer, God's word, and patient love, while trusting the Spirit to minister to them as only he can. We cannot change our children's hearts. But we can welcome the Spirit's work as we join him in exalting the name of Jesus Christ in our homes. 
Painting - A Game in the Park 
Victor-Gabriel Gilbert, 1847-1933
public domain, Wikigallery


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