
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Longing for Reversal

Continuing my study in the book of Esther and its literary theme of reversal. It's where we see most powerfully the hand of God as He reverses the consequences of the actions of the ungodly powerful people who want to destroy His own people in the Persian Empire. The providence of God can change things in a moment and alter the outcome. Most often we recognize it only in hindsight.

More often, we long to see it.

I long to see God reverse the actions of the ungodly powerful people in our own nation today who want to destroy any influence or impact those who have faith in Him might exercise. Something that began as good is being taken by the ungodly powerful and used in an attempt to annihilate godly imprint. As I see it, the MeToo effect is turning into a social colossus by the Enemy of all things good.

I long for and pray for reversal to this trial by public sentiment.

Painting ~ Her Eyes Are With Her Thoughts, Lawrence Alma-Tadema 1897
public domain, WikiArt


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