
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why Do We Do What We Do?

Sharing a book recommendation with you from my daughter Elizabeth.

I have begun working with a new counselee, and have therefore been spending a lot of time contemplating, "why do we do what we do?" Counselees struggle with a plethora of issues, but I cannot be satisfied simply picking one of their problem areas (i.e., depression, eating disorders, marital strife, anger) and helping them change in that area. No, there is something at the root of all these problems - something that explains why they are where they are, or in other words, who or what controls them. I must seek to uncover these root issues, these "functional gods," or these "idols of the heart" if I am to direct the counselee to lasting change. Anything short of this will be temporary and self-directed.

One resource I regularly return to when helping counselees discern the issues of their heart is Elyse Fitzpatrick's Idols of the Heart. This is an excellent book, not only for explaining what our idols tend to be, but in helping the reader walk through her own issues in a very practical way.


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