
Thursday, February 4, 2016

From the Bookshelf ~ The Names of God
I keep a book by my bed and read a few pages most nights as the light is about to be turned out. Recently, I've been reading and meditating on the prayers from Tony Evans' book Praying Through the Names of God. Each prayer focuses on a different name for God found throughout the Scriptures. I've found that understanding more of His attributes and character builds my faith and trust. I've begun to be more at peace with situations and circumstances because I'm understanding a little more about the nature of the God of the Universe and His relationship with mankind.

Each prayer follows the acronym ACTS--Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Sharing with you today the Adoration of Elohei Ma'uzzi--The God of my strength.

God is my strong fortress, and he sets the blameless in His way.
2 Samuel 22:33

Elohei Ma'uzzi, you are my strong fortress. You are the God of my strength. In you I find all that I need. In you are power, might, and force. I praise you for your mighty hand. I lift up your name to give you honor because of your greatness. Your creation testifies to your power. The mountains rise to proclaim your strong arm. The ocean depths reveal your force. The moon keeps its place because of your great strength. The sun flames as a result of your own creative prowess. You are to be held in the highest esteem, and I praise you, Elohei Ma'uzzi.
~ from Praying Through the Names of God by Tony Evans


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