
Thursday, June 9, 2016

On Neighborliness

I was hesitant to answer the doorbell last night when it rang as darkness fell, but I was glad that I did. One of our neighbors had come to borrow some vanilla. Becky was in the middle of making cookies when she discovered she had none. I had just enough left in the bottle for her recipe, and off she went, promising to bring us some cookies today. And so she did. A plate of Scottish shortbread cookies is now awaiting us for an evening snack. Going to be delicious with a glass of cold milk!

This is something I had hoped for in our move to our new neighborhood--that feeling of neighborliness, where neighbors stop and chat and borrow from one another. So I'm already thinking about what I can prepare to put on her plate as a return thank-you. So glad she didn't bring the cookies on a paper plate.


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