
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Weekend Daybook

Outside My Window...
Brown grass in our yard. Green grass in our neighbor's. Ours is Bermuda. Theirs isn't. Their yard looks like spring is on its way, so I glance their way out my window.

Missing the contrast in seasons at our lifelong home in West Virginia. Spring is always so bright and lovely there.

That I'm becoming more accustomed to the severe weather threats here in the south. Also thankful that our builder reinforced our closet to make it a safe place.

Noticing the sound of...
My Beloved working on the stair rails. He has the lower section complete. Our daughter fell on the stairs with the baby while they were visiting. Realized we need rails on the wall as well.

Around the house...
New pillows--a quick way to add a fresh touch.

I hope to...
Get some blinds for my sewing room today. I love the brightness with the bare windows, but don't want my fabric to fade in the bright sunlight. It's too bright to sew of the morning with the sun on that side of the house, but that does motivate me to tend to other responsibilities first. Work before play, but all work and no play makes for a dull day.

My mother and I were talking about heaven yesterday and thinking about people we'd see once again. We were imagining those we know gathering at the gate to welcome us in. Mom commented that she is looking forward to welcoming my special needs sister when she arrives later. No more impediments up there.
In the Kitchen...
Today was a good day for chicken vegetable soup. Such a rainy day.

Brought a smile...
Our niece got a new little puppy. So cute, and she adores him.

The fruit of my hands...
I made another dress to be taken on a mission trip for little girls who have meager clothing. I decided to make one for them each time I make one for my someday Etsy shop. Theirs is simpler, basically what's currently being called a pillowcase dress since the concept originally used a pillowcase. Mine is fabric from my stash. It has room for growing so it can be worn for awhile.

To add binding to neck and armhole edges on little girl dresses. Haven't mastered it yet, but I'm getting close. Perhaps the next dress.

A brief excerpt:

[The Apostle Paul, in Ephesians. 4:17-32] identifies seven tendencies of the sinful heart that are damaging to relationships, disruptive of God's purpose, and require persistent battling. Ask yourself if any of them are evident in your relationships.

~ The tendency toward self-indulgence  (v. 19-24)
     My behavior in the relationship is driven by what I want, not God's purpose.

~ The tendency toward deceit (v. 25)
     I will manipulate the truth to get what I want out of the relationship.

~ The tendency toward anger (v. 26-27)
     I want to control the relationship by venting my anger or by holding it over you to control you.

~ The tendency toward selfishness (v. 28)
     I want to protect what I have, rather than offer it to serve you.

~ The tendency toward unhelpful communication (v. 29-30)
     Rather than use my speech to make you feel better and put you in a better position, I speak to make myself feel better and ensure that I am in the top spot.

~ The tendency toward division (v. 31)
     I give in to the temptation to view you as an adversary, rather than a companion in the struggle of relationship.

The tendency toward an unforgiving spirit (v. 32)
     I want to make others pay for their wrongs against me.     
Painting ~ Charles Gibson Dana, 1867-1944


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