
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

And the Worst That Could Happen?

What's the worst that could happen? I thought about that yesterday as I put pressure on my nose after it began to bleed for no apparent reason. I was having breakfast, and drip, drip. I had had recurrent profuse nosebleeds several years ago that were difficult to stop. Had to have a blood vessel cauterized because I was about to be put on a blood thinner due to a clot. Pain doesn't usually make me cry (I realize I haven't experienced great pain, but doesn't childbirth count?!), but when the surgeon numbed inside my nose, tears trickled down my face. I hope never to have that done again.

So the nosebleed yesterday brought back memories. I'm now on a lifetime blood thinner that at present has no antidote for patient prescriptions. My hematologist said we'd probably have one within the year. But this is now and the blood is flowing. For now I'm supposed to apply pressure and hold for thirty minutes. If that doesn't work, head to ER.  

Then my mind took off into what's the worst thing that could happen? Ever done that? My conclusion was that I'd bleed to death, one drop at a time. Then what? I'd be with Jesus! What a marvelous thought! 

Sometimes reading the last chapter first is a good idea.

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