
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Rise and Go Home

Sharing a quiet time thought with you today. I'm reading in Matthew 9 about the paralytic who was brought by his friends to be healed. He had no other way to come to Jesus than through the compassion and faith of his friends. And it was their faith that impressed Jesus. How often it is that our need brings our faith into fuller focus.

And as Jesus remarked to those who thought He blasphemed because He forgave the man's sins, which is the more difficult to do? Heal or forgive? And we might ask as well, which is the greater need? We so often (as we should) pray for the strengthening of physical needs, our own and those we love. But there is the accompanying spiritual need of faith that needs strengthened all the more.

It is in the adversities of life that our faith can be enlarged, our hearts drawn closer to the heart of God. Not only physical hardships, but those of the soul, the mind, the thoughts that so often sweep over us and pull us down. Too often they are medicated away. But it is while we are in the midst of our trials and troubles that seeking Jesus brings healing to our hearts and minds.

So as with the paralytic's friends, we bring our loved ones to Jesus, to encourage their faith, to bring them hope, to heal their weary souls. "And he rose, and went home." (v.7)

Image by Gellinger via Pixabay
CC0 Creative Commons


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