
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Coming Alongside
Thinking about our Mom's discussion time this evening around Sally Clarkson's book, The Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child's Heart for Eternity. We were talking about being a discipling mother and being intentional in our purposes for our children.

The moms in our group want to disciple their children, want to guide them into eternal truth and godly living, want to lead them to the One who makes life meaningful. It's not an easy task, but one that has eternal value. What we lack in knowledge and ability God makes up for through His abundant grace. He's looking for mothers with willing hearts, willing to expend the time and effort, willing to be involved in something bigger than themselves.

This thing of discipling children is a challenge in our current culture. A challenge because of the decadence of the day, yes, but a greater challenge because of the scattering of families away from extended families who could come alongside and help. No one besides the parents care for their children like grandparents do. One of the moms in our group is seeing that blessing in her own family. She says that when grandma comes for the day a peacefulness comes into the home. She helps with the laundry and such, and the children settle in around her as she reads to them. Blessings all the way around. The American quest for personal independence has run amuck and caught unsuspecting families in the frenzy. can grandparents help raise the next godly generation? A comment from Sally Clarkson, but one that could apply to grandparents as well:
What many in our culture don't understand--and many more forget--is that a relationship with Christ is best taught through a long-term personal relationship with someone who knows the Master, not through activities organized around lots of people in impersonal and distracting instructional situations.... Our children will learn righteousness best by seeing it lived out in every possible way in our lives, moment by moment, in the context of normal life.
We help by coming alongside, being involved in our grandchildren's normal life in a long-term personal relationship. Long distance is not normal, everyday life and doesn't develop much of a long-term personal relationship. Oh, but some say, the technology to stay in touch these days is so easily accessible. There are cell phones and texting and email and digital pictures and skype.... and we can do everything but touch each other. Technology cannot substitute for grandma and grandpa's laps, for holding hands as you walk along, for looking at the little bugs as you do and talking about the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord in the glorious riot of autumn color. Or for helping with the laundry.

Painting~ Grannie, Joseph Clark, 1878
via I Am A Child, Children in Art History


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