
Monday, April 20, 2020

Loving the Difficult

Loving difficult people compassionately can drain us of emotional and physical energy. This evening I am drained. I didn't want to spend the afternoon as I did. I knew what it would be like. Yet, I am called to love others compassionately, even those who are constantly critical and complaining. Even those who try to control and manipulate. Even those whose expectations are never justified or satisfied. Relationships where the risks far outweigh the rewards wear on the soul.

Why bother? Because such a relationship sends me to Jesus to be my strength as I walk out the door. I cry out to the Holy Spirit to calm my own spirit when words are said that hurt, that annoy, that come from a self-absorbed heart. I've learned over the years that God uses such relationships to conform me to the image of His Son, which is my deepest desire. Which is worth all the effort.

Why bother? Because Jesus bothered with such people. Because He bothers with me when I am critical, and complaining, and.... And because He wants His love to flow through me. And so as I partake of His divine nature, I am to apply all diligence in my faith for perseverance, kindness, and love. For if these qualities are increasing, I become useful and fruitful (1 Peter 5). Right now, though, I'm feeling rather like a dried up prune.

Why bother? Because she said she enjoyed the afternoon. Evidence of God's grace flowing from the Divine Vine through the branch that bears the fruit.
Image ~ A Tired Seamstress, Angelo Trezzini, 1827-1904
Wikimedia Commons, public domain


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