
Friday, May 20, 2016

More Quickly Than We Realize

It's been cloudy and rainy this afternoon, so I spent some time baking, working on a quilt for our little Daniel, and doing some reading. Settling into the rocker with a cup of tea for a few minutes to share a brief excerpt with you from Gladys Taber's Still Cove Journal. It struck my heart's chord today, as I often think about my daughters and still miss them ever-so-much. They celebrated their birthdays this month--35 and 38. The time with them was much too short, as their hubbies took them miles and miles away.  I still miss their chatter, their singing at the piano, and the simple everydayness of their lives, but am glad they're doing what they want in life. I cherish the times that we are able to be together and am thankful for those special occasions.

But back to the excerpt from Still Cove Journal that I want to share with you......
 Gladys is talking about watching some cardinals and other small wildlife, and she comments that....

Nature is full of unanswered questions.... I will never forget the day when I watched a father cardinal stuffing tidbits down the throat of an exhausted mama. I was sure he communicated his feelings to her.

"Presently they will all fly away. They won't jam the nest any more, screaming day and night for food, food, food. There isn't room for them in the nest now anyway."

"I told you it ought to be bigger."

"Next year, next year."

"Besides, I've had enough of egg laying. I want some time to be myself. How do I know who I am?"

When their offspring did fly away, I knew what would happen. The nest would be empty, alright, not a single squawk left. But before long two very nervous cardinals would be back, crossing and recrossing the yard, calling and calling. They would want those brawling youngsters right back in the nest. For all of us on this planet have something in common, and emotions about children seem to be shared by many of earth's inhabitants."
The nest empties more quickly than most of us realize, doesn't it?


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