
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Even If He Passes By
Reflecting this evening on a phrase in Mark, chapter 6, verse 48. It's the familiar account of Jesus walking on the water, and the corresponding passage in Matthew 14, where Peter attempts to walk on the water out to Jesus. The disciples hadn't recognized Him and were frightened.

The phrase that arrests my attention is when Jesus was walking out to them as the waves grew rough-- "and He intended to pass by them." Why pass by them? Why not be walking out to save them from their distress? I think both were necessary. At this moment, it's not about the disciples. It's about Jesus and the authority that He has over the tumultuous situation.

I think most of us have the tendency to think that Jesus is supposed to calm all of the distresses that we find ourselves in. He can and often does. But at this moment with the disciples, and in many of our own moments, it's about recognizing the authority and power of Jesus Himself. It's all about Him.

It's not about what miracle can He perform for them, for me, to get us out of the chaos brought on by this fallen world. It's about our need to see who Jesus is, to see that He is, indeed, the Son of God. The disciples recognized that after they saw His power.  

And those who were in the boat worshiped Him saying,  
"You are certainly God's Son!" 
~Matthew 14:33

So I ask myself--Am I a Jesus follower because of what He can do for me? Or do I follow Him because of who He is and the authority that He has over all creation, including me? If it's about me, I'll be disillusioned when He doesn't respond the way I expect, when I don't feel benefited, or when I go through tumultuous times. Life has meaning only as it relates to knowing Him and His character and attributes--for that is how I find peace and calm in the midst of this broken, fallen world.

Even if He passes by--so that I may understand Him and life more fully. For one of the things I know is that He cares for me.

I do hope you know Him and shall see Him someday face to face. I hope I see you over there.

Painting ~ Leisure Hours 1863, Philip Hermogenes Calderon 1833-1898



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