
Friday, May 26, 2017

Recommending ~ The Master Designer: The Song

This documentary is sure to affirm and increase your faith in the Master Creator. Our world is filled with beauty, order and design, and the animals themselves give evidence that it couldn't have happened by random chance. They all show purpose in design, not happenstance.

We often preview videos on Amazon or Netflix that we think might be worthwhile for our grandchildren to watch when they come to visit for a week or so. This is definitely a keeper, one for the entire family. It's light-hearted, yet enlightening and filled with fascinating facts. If you click on the image, you can watch the trailer.

There are also interesting stories throughout the documentary of how some of the highlighted animals helped to change the course of American history. Bees thwarted a British attack in the American Revolution. Camels were brought the to U.S. during the Spanish-American War to cross the American desert.

Oh, yes, "The Song".... we wondered about that throughout the video. It's saved until the last. Beautiful music to the Master Designer's ear.

Image ~ The Master Designer, Exploration Films


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