
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Making Mistakes With Quilting and Children

Leisure Hours ~ Albert Thomas Jarvis Gilbert, 1927
I've been working on the next baby quilt and thinking as I go along about a brief devotional I'll be giving at this baby's shower. Thoughts keep springing to life as I'm struck by the similarities of bringing a quilt to completion and bringing a child to maturity.

Things are not progressing exactly as planned. The quilt isn't, and children don't either. My original design had to be altered because of a mistake--my mind was out in la-la land while my hands were snipping away at the fabric, and I don't have enough extra of that particular fabric. How I had it planned just isn't happening. Isn't growing children like that sometimes? At some point we come to our senses and realize we've snipped away something strategic or didn't even think about it in the first place.

So what do we do? Modify what we're doing as soon as we realize it. Some mistakes are easily adjusted. Others take much prayer and time and effort. The sooner we wake up to the mistake, though, the better the prospect for effective change--and the more harmonious and beautiful the quilt and the child.

I've made several mistakes throughout this quilt that most people will never notice. Some things don't really matter. Other things sure enough do matter. Anyone who has done much quilting knows they do. Anyone who has done much parenting knows some things matter immeasurably.

And so Titus 2 comes into focus once again--older women "teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands...."

Older women, I encourage you to help younger women, especially those who are away from their own mothers and bereft of that kindly attention. Younger women, I encourage you to turn to older women and ask them what they've done right and what they've learned in making mistakes along the way.

More quilting to be done this afternoon. Knowing myself, there will be more mistakes and adjustments made, and more thoughts for my devotional about growing up children.

So grateful for grace!


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