It apparently has become "a global sensation," beginning with the book series, but there's currently a social media campaign called #50dollarsnot50shades against the movie, asking people to donate $50 to a battered women’s shelter instead of going to see the movie.
Dr. Gail Dines, professor at Wheelock College in Boston and the founder of Stop Porn Culture, an organization aimed at raising awareness about the harms of pornography, says this about the movie,
“I meet women who married ‘Christian Grey’. They are on the run for their lives. They are living in battered women’s shelters. They’ve got two teeth knocked out, cigarette burns up and down their arm and traumatized kids in tow.”God created us as sexual beings and intended sex to be a beautiful experience between husband and wife, an expression of pleasure far beyond the physical. The Enemy of all things good seeks whom and what he may devour, and his intent is to destroy anything that reflects the goodness of God. Satan strategizes against our experiencing the fullness of who we were created to be. Shades of Grey is part of his arsenal.
– Dr. Gail Dines, author of 'Pornland: How the Porn Industry Has Hijacked Our Sexuality'
Painting ~ A Lady in Gray 1859, Daniel Macnee 1821-1895
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