
Friday, September 8, 2017

Just A Fidget Spinner ~ With Lights
Sisters, Frederick Morgan (1847-1927)
I took my sister to a medical appointment today, and we stopped for lunch and did a little shopping afterward. I've mentioned before that she can go nowhere unless someone in the family takes her. She is dependent on those who love her, and when I picked her up, she was eager for the day.

Our first stop--a shoe shop for me to look for a pair of flats, and I asked if she needed any shoes. No, she got a new pair of walking shoes when she was out with Jeanne. So off we went to look for a plate rack for re-organizing one of my kitchen cabinets. I had commented to her that if she saw something she'd like to get, just let me know. Her first thought was getting something for our Dad for his upcoming birthday (91!), but we didn't see anything at Bed, Bath & Beyond for him.

Then her eye caught sight of a Fidget Spinner as we were leaving. She had seen one that we had gotten for our Elijah when he was visiting a couple of months ago, and she wanted one herself. But, alas, these were smaller and didn't light up. She really would like to have one like Elijah's that lights up. So we were on the look-out the rest of our shopping trip.

I've seen them practically every place I've been the last several months, but there were none to be found in the stores where we were stopping. When it was time to admit defeat and go home, she just said, "That's okay. Would you get me one for my birthday?" My heart was pricked. The only thing she wanted on this shopping trip was a Fidget Spinner with lights. I remembered that we got Elijah's at Walmart, so her spirits rose again as we headed there on our way home. Up and down the toy aisles we went. There they are! But they don't have lights. Maybe they have some near the check outs. Let's go see. Oh, yes! And they have lights, and her favorite color blue! So ended a happy shopping day for her. Satisfied. Content. Thank you, Father God, for your faithful love and provision.

Just a Fidget Spinner with lights is all Dorothy wanted. How different than the gal I saw this week wearing a t-shirt that said, "Enough is Never Enough." Yes, my sister is simple-minded, but I think she is probably more content with what she has than most of us are. So we came home with her Fidget Spinner with lights and my two pairs of shoes. And I felt so extravagant.


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