
Monday, September 11, 2017

Recommending ~ Drive By Church History
My Beloved and I began listening to these mini lectures on church history in the car as we drove to the Red River Gorge about a month ago to meet up with our daughters and their families. We've continued to listen to them for a few weeks in the evenings after we settle down for the day. Finished them up last evening.

There are 47 15-minute "lectures" that are, basically, fast-paced discussions between host Todd Friel and his guests, Pastor R.W. Glenn and Dr. Peter Hammond. It's sort of a crash course filled with bits of historical context that I had no clue about and was done in a way that easily kept our attention. These are definitely not stuffy lectures. If you give a listen, be sure you aren't distracted, or you'll miss a thing or two at the bat of an eyelash.

As our thoughts turn toward the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, these lectures have been extremely helpful to my own understanding of the history of the church from the Resurrection of Jesus through the past 21 centuries. They've also given me a greater appreciation for those who have stood strong in the faith amidst persecution and conflict.

The "lectures" are chronologically organized into four "Acts":
Act 1: Establishing the Foundation (Centuries 1-5)
Act 2: Wandering from the Truth (Centuries 6-15)
Acts 3: Reforming (Centuries 16-18)
Act 4: Defending the Truth (Centuries 19-21)

You can also find some video clips on YouTube, if you're interested. Todd Friel also has a TV and radio program, so just google Drive By Church History if you'd like to take a listen, or click on the image and it will take you to Answers in Genesis where you can purchase it. But I remind you, do turn your listening speed up. 


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