
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dishtowels that Organize the Week

Today was another snuggle-in day. My daughter in SC has been in 12 inches of snow, so our mere covering further north seems a bit mediocre. We didn't get the inches that were expected, but it was still nice and cozy to be snowed in. So I lingered with a cup of tea during my quiet time this morning and worked a bit on a new quilt this evening since church was canceled.

Between the bookends I did a couple of major tasks--prep for my homeschooling class tomorrow and caught up on ironing, inspired by a Christmas gift from my thoughtful sister-in-law who hand-embroidered a set of dish towels for me. I always said I could clean and re-organize my kitchen around a new dish towel. Well, she gave me one for each day--and I'm organizing my week around them!

I had been considering for some time how God did a major act each day of creation, and so I had begun to set my major home tasks in order--sort of "in his image" kind of thinking. There's a Sunday towel, Monday is grocery day ("Market Day" on the dishtowel), Tuesday is laundry day ("Wash Day"), and today the "Iron Day" towel is out. Thursday I'm using the "Gardening Day," towel, but since there's no gardening in the middle of winter, I'm designating that towel for my homeschooling class day until spring--sort of a something-extra-kind-of day. I'm using the "Cleaning Day" towel on Friday to get the house spiffy for the weekend and Sunday rest, and the "Baking Day" towel on Saturday to do just that.

Nestled among all the majors are the minors, the just-for-funners, and the R&Rs. I heard Nancy Leigh DeMoss give an illustration of putting the larger balls (major priorities) in a container (representing a day) first, then filling in with the smaller balls (less important activities, etc.). Voila! More gets accomplished, rather than the other way around--puttering away the day on the minors and funners, with little or no room left for the majors.

Thanks, Connie and Nancy, for the inspiration to get my home duties in order!


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