
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Home Training

Had a delightful conversation with a young mother whose heart God is turning more and more homeward. Much is happening in their lives right now as God is leading them in the discipleship of their children at home. He has also laid the path for their move back to live near her family where she grew up. What true reward and benefit will be to this extended family as multi-generational faithfulness is strengthened. What a blessing it was to share in their excited anticipation!

Oswald Chambers' thoughts on "Gratitude for Home Training":
Our family life in Perth was a very united one; each evening, after the home-lessons were done, was given up to games of various kinds. We found our enjoyment and entertainment in our home; no outside amusements could possibly compare with the fun and happiness to be found there. We never had any desire to be out playing or walking with chums.... I feel traits in my character I knew not of before, and it causes me to bow in deeper gratitude for that home training which I have now left, for the training and disciplines of life. Oh! What a mighty influence home life has on us! Indeed, we do not know how deep a debt we owe to our mothers and fathers and their training.


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