
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Homemaking ~ Creative Expressions

I went grocery shopping this morning, had a quilt class this afternoon, doctors' appointments last week, tomorrow and the next day. Some days can be a blur, and being a keeper of the home can certainly have its challenges in our hurry-scurry culture. It was particularly challenging when we were homeschooling, but I could have lived in those years forever. Seasons change and go on, though, which is the ebb and flow of life.

Thankfully, things will slow down next week. I very much dislike the feeling that I'm constantly facing a doctor's appointment month after month, so I intentionally set my 6- and 12-month routine appointments in January or July to get them out of the way and behind me. Gives me more planning space for something else. Like quilting. :-) at the quilt shop today went to the love of quilting and the dislike of housework. I was told many years ago that housework is like an artist's brush. You've got to keep cleaning it in order to create your work of art. That's a good perspective to keep. There's creative expression in homemaking, as Edith Shaeffer wrote in her book The Hidden Art of Homemaking. I read the original book back in the early 70s as a young woman. This is a book that keeps selling.

There are others in the class who are in the same school of thought, so we encouraged one another in our perspective that it's much better to tend to responsibilities first, then savor our leisurely sewing time. Add to that the pleasant feeling when dirty dishes, unmade beds, rushed meals (or undone exercises) aren't calling my name, and I find a sense of satisfaction with the day.

Do drop by again when you have a few moments, and I'll try to show you over the weekend my homework for the quilt class.

Painting ~ Quilting Bee, Henry Mosler 1841-1920
via American Gallery public domain



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