
Friday, January 9, 2015

Sweet Homeschooling Memories

I've been going through filing drawers the past few days, thinning out for our move later in the year. Some things I just couldn’t part with, though. They hold such special memories of our homeschooling years, years filled with so many happenings and so much happiness.  
I came across the following paper, written by our then 10-year old Elizabeth, probably as an English assignment. If you’ve homeschooled your children for any length of time, you can probably relate to this:

I like homeschooling because I like being with my family. I learn more than the basic subjects, like knitting. I have more free time so that I can read. I get up at 8:00 so I get plenty of rest, then I can pay more attention to my work. I can go to my grandparents’ house just about anytime. I enjoy petting my dog when I’m doing my work, and I couldn’t do that in a school classroom.

I came across Laura's graduation speech in her folder. A portion of her sentiments meant quite a lot to us. I know many parents have received similar thoughts.

Finally, I want to thank my family—and especially my parents. I really appreciate their willingness to teach me at home—their sacrifices of time, energy and everything else they’ve given. This is as much their day as it is mine—we’ve made it together, and I can’t thank them enough.

That’s one of the biggest advantages of homeschooling—it brings you together as a family. I’m closer to my parents than I would have ever been if I had [gone] to school like I wanted to in the seventh grade, and my sister’s one of the best and most loyal friends I have. As the card she gave me for my birthday said, “Having a really close friend is a wonderful thing, but when that friend is also part of our family, it’s one of the nicest things in the world.”

Our homeschooling high school years

I write this post, not as a credit to ourselves, but to encourage any of you who may be feeling a heaviness in your own homeschooling right now. I felt it often. Ask God to strengthen you and give you wisdom. That was my ongoing prayer. The days will pass, and soon the children will be gone, off to their own dreams and adventures. And you won't be together, and the house will be too quiet.

But then you might get an extra special blessing by watching the next generation homeschool your grandchildren.…..and an extra, extra special blessing if you get to be a part of it. My own mother and sister live close to one another, and Mom got to help with homeschooling those grandchildren. Sometimes I get to help when our little Elijah comes to visit. It takes me back to sweet memories, days I could have lived in forever.

I pray frequently for homeschooling moms, that God will strengthen and give wisdom. 



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